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sugarhoneycandySugar, sugar, honey, honey
You are my candy girl
And you got me wanting you


Back in the 60s The Archies weren’t really singing about sweets, but I was over the holidays. I warbled to cookies and ice cream and pie – oh my! And wolfed them down.

Oh honey, did I feel energized. I was high on sugar. And this candy girl kept wanting more.

Until the crash – and extra pounds.

Then I wished myself a happy new year and made a resolution: less sugar, honey and candy, Girl.

I’m not going cold turkey – that’s a sure way to fail. I’ll cut back slowly, an easy thing to do now that most of the holiday goodies have left the house. And if I don’t buy sweets, I can’t eat them. You see if I start, I find it hard to stop. (Ask my son and daughter about Girl Scout Cookies, especially Thin Mints.)

But the same is true about walking – once I start, I feel so much better that I want to keep going. And having a pedometer in my pocket helps me set a goal and keep track of my steps. When I hit 10K, the pedometer beeps, and I hear, “Atta girl! Atta girl! Atta girl!”

So I’ve decided to keep track of what I eat – a food journal – and focus on simple ‘real’ food: almonds instead of M&M’s, water instead of wine, carrots instead of bread.

Full disclosure: I ate a bagel for breakfast today, and will bake ginger cookies for a meeting at church this evening. I did say MOST goodies had left the house, and I would start SLOWLY. In my defense, I’m taking veggies and hummus tonight, too.

I’ve vowed not to sing to cookies and ice cream and pie, at least not for a while. Instead, I’m going to wolf down fruits, vegetables and milk. How sweet they are!

To them I’ll warble:

Pour your sugar on me, oh, yeah
Pour your sugar on me, honey
Pour your sugar on me, baby


Atta girl! Atta girl! Atta girl!