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We’re all moving and changing, although I usually don’t notice. That is, unless I’m literally moving out of one house into another.

I have moved three times in the past ten years: Dallas (after years in two houses and two children) to Baltimore, Baltimore (after living alone then remarriage) to Alexandria and now Alexandria (after Keith’s retirement) to Vanaprastha – a new “permanent” address.

One would think that I would get used to leaving things behind, like a pioneer travelling across the prairie, dragging along Aunt Bess’ hope chest or Grandma’s four-poster bed and progressively tossing things out. In the past decade’s moves, some stuff got pitched, but most went by way of garage sale (Dallas), give-away (Baltimore) and this time Craig’s List. For sale: 58” Plasma TV with 7-speaker home theater system, 46” LCD, Chest of drawers with mirror, China cabinet, Teak dining room table with ceramic inserts and 4 teak chairs. All items priced to sell – we’re moving.

And sell they all did, but, with the exception of the dining room set, not by way of Craig’s List. During the course of repairs from the inspector’s “punch list”, some hard working trades people asked about the furniture and TV’s for sale. Ah, I thought, a chance to get rid of these things and give these folks a good deal on something they’d really like. Asking prices dropped, stuff disappeared, and all got what they wanted.

What about the dining room table and chairs? I received several inquiries but only a few follow-ups. I took the first. This afternoon, a young couple arrived in their truck. He said, “Anything you want, sweetheart.” Gazing at the table, she saw her extended family, including children, seated for Thanksgiving. He carried the table; she carried the two end leaves; I carried the chairs. And after 35 years in my houses, the dining room table and chairs found a new “permanent” home.

We’re all moving and changing, although I usually don’t notice. But today I did, and it was a happy ending.

What would you leave behind?