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Thanksgiving celebrates harvest time during the fall in nature’s calendar, but for me the holiday changed according to the seasons of life. In the “springtime” of youth, I set the table, helped in the kitchen and babysat younger cousins during dinner. When the “summertime” of adulthood arrived, I became self-sufficient, and, along with my first husband, provided for our young family, and proudly so.

Pride comes before the fall.

I imagine that many people know that their good fortune is something to be celebrated with humility, but I didn’t. Not until my marriage failed and I ended up a middle-aged woman spending Thanksgiving alone did I realize that I missed that lesson somewhere. I wish I could say that I made a quick 180-degree turn, but the harvest of humility and gratitude took me several more years.

Now in the fall of life, I know that my life has a purpose, to serve, to use my hands, talents and skills to do good work. This year at Vanaprastha, Keith and I welcome family, friends and neighbors to our table. We share the cornucopia of our prosperity and give humble thanks to God for all our blessings.

Happy Thanks Giving!